Hello World, It’s Dannielle

It’s the first day of July and what better way to celebrate the second half of the year with starting up my blog again!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Dannielle, founder of As Told By Dannielle. I have always wanted to start blogging about different journeys that I am going through, so that I can share my experiences and maybe help someone along the way.

I have made an effort in the past to start a blog, but never could stay focused and be consistent with posting. I want to make this time around be different and start off by challenging myself to do a 31-day blog challenge.

I want to be able to not only share my journey, but also help you get to know me as well. I want to be an open book as much as possible. I want everyone to know that I am a real person behind the words on this blog.

So here is to be consistency and learning about the woman behind As Told By Dannielle!

Written by Dannielle

Hello and welcome to my blog, As Told By Dannielle! I'm a 40-something year old woman going through this thing called life focusing on doing things for me. As I go through these changes and experiences, I wanted to have a place to not only share but to remember them. So come along on my journey and find out about this thing called life, as told by me.

Intro to The Upgrading My Life Diaries